Project SpaceCast
In order to build a functional human society in space, we must first bring together subject matter experts to model that future society. Once we have a faithful model, we can work backward and chart what companies, industries, technologies, and culture shifts are necessary for that future to come to fruition. With that knowledge, we can assess which of those elements are currently being provided, which could be provided by existing parties if they can be convinced to pivot, and which can only come into being with the creation of new enterprises. Our SpaceCast reports will be used to advise existing and new creators.
Nova Academy
Education is a great stone behemoth in America, moving slowly or not at all in regard to updates for new directions for the West. It would be nearly impossible to update the American education system for the space age due to how disconnected and bogged down the system is. Thus, we need a new system that can do in augmented modules what a full system should do when ideal. Project Nova involves Nova Academy, an online learning environment, the Nova Cadets—a scouting-type organization—as well as summer camps, maker spaces, and mentorships. Every facet of Project Nova has two tracks: Space Force and Private Industry. Our goal is to work with both Space Force and Private Industry to build out the curriculum needed to produce ideal space industry professionals and Space Force guardians.
Project StarReach
StarReach is dedicated to getting Foster Kids into the space industry. Foster Children constitute a hidden ethnic group, and members of this group are expected to fail. The longer they are in state care, the more likely they are to end up in prison, on the streets, on drugs, and worse. But foster kids also have superpowers they can leverage to change the world, if they are empowered and shepherded. Foster Kids are resilient and adapt quickly. They are amazing at networking and understanding complex social groups. We currently have three initiatives and one seasonal challenge in the works.
Project LaunchPad
Project LaunchPad serves as a hub where the for-profit space industry and the non-profit space community collaborate to align their efforts and accelerate humanity’s journey to becoming a spacefaring civilization. It recognizes the dual roles these entities play—industry driving technological advancements and the community fostering the cultural shift necessary to generate global demand for space migration, exploration, and settlement. By creating an organized and conscious framework for collaboration, Project LaunchPad ensures that efforts across the sector are complementary, efficient, and impactful.