It is vital for non-profit organizations to stay on mission, which is why we have established the Damocles Principle, requiring all such organizations to have an expiration date. MPS will cease to exist after December 2035. We will conduct performance reviews every three years to assess the organization’s progress. A visible countdown on the website will track the approach to #ZeroYear in 2035. At that time, we will conduct a comprehensive evaluation: if we have succeeded in our mission and humanity has become Multiplanetary, we will prepare to decommission the organization, transitioning our efforts into supporting a Multiplanetary civilization in space, with all records preserved as a legacy project. If we have failed and humanity is not Multiplanetary, we will still decommission the organization but will pivot to guiding the creation of numerous new initiatives tasked with achieving what we could not, armed with insights into which methods were ineffective. The countdown and deadline on the website serve to enlist every member as an active participant in a monumental endeavor rather than as part of a self-perpetuating organization. We are not here to build an institution; we are here to commit to a Great Enterprise. Humanity is our business.
2021- soft launch at Foundation for the Future’s Blue Marble Night announcing our plan.
2022- hard launch, the clock begins to tick
2025- first review period, MPS 2.0 is launched with a new website
2028- second review
2031- third review
2034- fourth and final review
2035- #ZeroYear: SPACE OR BUST!